Monday, July 14, 2003

So, You Want To Be A Rock Star...

You know how they say be careful what you ask for because you just might get it? Well, all of my wannabe rock star talk seems to have resulted in a karmic twist of fate that could land me in a band. I'd have to learn to play the bass, then learn 13 songs, then learn the vocal harmonies and do it all in about 6 weeks to play with the band in the NW Music Fest. No pressure or anything. Jenni said she'd lend me one of her bass guitars and an amp, teach me how to play, then teach me all of the songs. I didn't say definitely yes, but I said I'd call her about it. She said it'll be a piece of cake and that the bass is really easy to learn. I said I'd easily have the vocal harmonies down in about a week, but I couldn't promise I'd be any good with the bass in my hands. I'd be jazzed to do it if it weren't such a daunting undertaking because of the time factor. And I can't tell if the feeling in my stomach is excited butterflies or performance anxiety puke. Guh.

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