Thursday, April 25, 2002

Box O' Stupid People

I have this Pearls Before Swine comic pinned up at my desk where a pig and a rat are standing next to this box with three people in it. The rat has put the people in the box to "filter them out of society" and keep them "out of harm's way." There's the guy who reclines his seat all the way back and crushes the legs of whoever sits behind him on the airplane. There's the woman who obliviously blocks the whole grocery aisle with her shopping cart while she searches for her favorite cake mix. And finally, there's the guy who makes unnecessary personal calls on his cell phone in public places. The pig protests with, "I don't think this is right...I prefer to believe in the fundamental goodness of all people." The last scene has the pig in the box with the rest of the people and the guy on his cell phone saying, "Dude...So the pig's like 'No way, dude, I don't want to go in the box,' and the rat's like, 'Dude, you're going in the box'..."

I wish I had a box. I know some people I'd like to put in it.

Oh yeah, free lunch today from this Thai place called Mekala's....I got the yellow enough to burn the bejeezus out of me but in a good and tasty way. Yeah, baby, yeah. =)

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