Sunday, May 11, 2003

Habby *cough, clear throat, sniff* Buther's Day

Though I tried to deny it yesterday and went out anyway, I am officially sick. You can only lie to yourself until you wake up with Sahara desert dry mouth, swollen glands just below your ears and several of your consonant sounds start to come out as "b"s. You're not deaf, just sick. May as well accept it, drink as much lemon tea and eat as many oranges as your scurvy-free body will let you. Luckily for her, Shauna left today for Chicago and won't be back until Saturday so she won't have to be subjected to me being a whiny little bitch. Remember the scene in When Harry Met Sally where they're on the phone and Harry starts moaning and continues even after they hang up? Yeah, that's me today. But I digress.

Happy Mother's Day, Mom!! *hugs and kisses*

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