Monday, May 12, 2003

Well, At Least I Don't Have SARS

I called in sick today. It's the first time in about two years. After waking up a few times last night in a cold sweat, I knew I wasn't going to subject anyone else to whatever this thing is. Plus, when I got up to take a hot shower to try clearing my head with the steam, I caught a good look in the mirror and wasn't real thrilled with what I saw. I look like a puffy-eyed troll. When I called my boss and told her what was going on, she said I had the same thing she had when she called in sick last week. I know I shouldn't feel guilty about calling in since I really am sick and I don't want anyone else to get sick because of me, but I hate not going to work. I don't like to make extra work for the people who are there and Mondays are a short staffed day as it is. Guh.

Cold wash cloth for the puffy eyes, hot tea for the chest and head, tiger balm for the achy muscles and I should be back in business by morning. Now someone entertain me because I hate being cooped up here with nothing to do and no one to talk to, dammit.

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