Saturday, May 10, 2003

I'll Take "Stupid Moves" For $1000, Alex...

I went to NW 23rd today to look at frames for the glasses I still need but haven't gotten. There's a place over there called Reynolds and all of their frames are ultra trendy and ultra spendy. Of course, I found a pair I liked that looked good but about had a heart attack when I looked at the price of the frames alone ($250!!!!). I had them write down the info, keep it on file for me and left with my bank account still intact. I started walking back downtown on Burnside and as I walked by Jeremiah's store, I found myself compelled to go in and say hi. I told him I was on my way home from shopping and just wanted to see if he was still being a bastard. Very smooth. Funny enough, he said offense to me...but he's just a bastard. He had to answer the phone and I was just going to go without saying anything but ended up waiting and actually talking to him for few minutes. He was pretty much his normal self and even teased me about something I said. At that point, I had to get out of there. What I want to know is why does that guy have to be so damn charming? He really is a bastard.

In other news, I'm dressing up and going out with the single girls from work tonight. Dudes beware.

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