Friday, May 23, 2003

Under Pressure

-If I were hooked up to an IV drip I still don't think I could get hydrated enough.
-You know those suction ball doo-jobbies that doctors use to get all of the gunk out of a new baby's nose and throat? I wish I had one of those.
-All the Jello in the world can't make the pressure in my ears go away.
-If after I'm done being sick I never have to spit again, I can't begin to explain how happy I'll be.
-Why does your spleen only make it's presence known in a painful way?
-If someone could come in and remove my tonsils while I'm sleeping (ala the leg removal scene in Monty Python's Meaning of Life), that would be greeeaaaat.
-My mom and dad are coming up tomorrow to spend some time with me and that's the only good thing I have to say about this being sick stuff.

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