Thursday, May 22, 2003

Modern Medicine Rules!

Ok, I felt extra shitty this morning. Or maybe I'd just reached the breaking point with this whole being sick business. A girl can only take so much and keep her sense of humor about it for so long. All I know is that my throat was killing me, I was tired from not being able to sleep well because of it and I cried. I had called last night and then again his morning to the doctor I saw on Monday to have her write up a note and fax it to my boss excusing me from work until Tuesday. I knew I needed to have something more done about my tonsils and I wasn't liking the thought of having them drained if they were in fact abcessed. So I asked my roommate to take me to urgent care because I figured if they were going to have to do it, better to do it sooner than later and give myself a chance to feel better by Tuesday so I actually can go back to work. After two hours there, another negative strep test and two docs and a nurse attending to me, they gave me a steroid shot, two prescriptions (one for painkillers and one for an antiseptic mouth rinse/gargle) and sent me on my way. Oh. My. Gawd. Thank you, thank you, thank you! The steroid shot alone has made my throat feel sooooo much better. The painkillers make you drowsy, so I'm waiting until tonight to take one of those and the mouth rinse should be done after a meal since you can't eat or drink anything for an hour after you gargle. I also have to keep taking the antibiotics until they're gone (as planned) since the docs said they are likely the reason I don't have strep now. Ooh, and they said to eat applesauce, jello and popsicles! I love those urgent care guys!

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