Monday, May 26, 2003

So Far So Good

I got up at 7:15, just like I'm going to have to tomorrow, and went straight in to take a shower and put on a professional face. After I got out of the shower, I had to sit down to do the hair and makeup thing because just taking a shower and washing my hair is tiring. I got everything I would normally get done by 10 'til 8 done by 8 o'clock, so I'm still a little slow, but if I pick out clothes tonight and remind myself not to get a latte in the morning (the milk makes me cough *pout* ), then I'll have plenty of time to catch the bus and get to work on time. I also have a little more of my appetite back this morning so I toasted some apple bread, poured a cup of applesauce, grabbed a banana (thanks mom and dad!) and settled back into bed since it's still early. This is my last full day of rest and I want to get the most out of it. Besides, I'm still coughing up alien embryos and that wears me out more than anything. The best advice I can ever give anyone is this: Do not get mono.

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