Thursday, February 14, 2002

For your reading pleasure...

Ok, this one time, at band camp.....wait, wrong, in honor of Valentine's Day, I decided to write a little story about love. Here goes:

Once there was this fish who was swimming around, minding her own business, doing fish stuff. Then some random starfish came along and gave her tickets to the circus. So she went. But it wasn't a normal circus with elephants and clowns and those guys in tights who swing around on a trapeze. It was a freaky psycho circus with escaped mental patients and squid (everyone knows squid are inherently evil). Anyway, after the circus, the fish thought she might cruise over and grab a burger or something so she called her friend Chuck and told him to meet her at 6:15 in the parking lot, but Chuck never showed and never called so the fish got pissed off and went to his house only to find Chuck all cracked out in his basement listening to the Oklahoma soundtrack and speaking French to his weiner dog Paco. Since it seemed to the fish like Chuck was not really in a mental space to fully grasp how pissed off she was, she decided to save the lecture about being a crappy friend for another day. So, the fish went home, ordered a pizza, surfed the net for porn until the pizza came, cracked open a beer, and then parked it on the couch to watch the international ballroom dance finals. A little later, she called Chuck to make sure he was still alive and that he hadn't done anything to violate Paco, and then she went to bed and dreamed of dancing squid in feathery dresses and too much makeup. The end.

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