Monday, February 11, 2002

Mardi Gras vs. Valentine's Day

Not that one has anything at all to do with the other, but I think Mardi Gras kicks Valentine's Day's ass all over the place. Hmmmm, let's see, would you rather (yes, I'm gonna say it again) party like a rockstar with all of your friends and dance and have a few drinks and basically just have a kick ass time OR spend a bunch of money on useless crap to make up for the fact that you're a slacker about showing people you care all year long. Gee, that's a tough call. Riiiight. So, I'm boycotting Valentine's Day and celebrating the hell out of Mardi Gras....I'm even breaking my usual rule of not going out during the week to hit the clubs for Fat Tuesday. Don't think I'll be going as far as to show off the rack for beads, but now that my head is clear and I don't have any baggage I'm going to start being a normal single chick.....whatever that is....

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