Wednesday, February 13, 2002

Spring Fever is running rampant

Something is seriously wrong with me. I can't remember ever having the fever this bad or this early in the year. Seems like everytime I turn around there's a cute boy and I can't stop myself from flirting with him. And that's so not like me. I'm always the friend girl that guys like to talk to about their girlfriends and hang out with when they aren't dating anyone because I'm "safe." Girls trust me with their boyfriends because I'm "safe." Random chick I just met Saturday night actually encouraged me to slow dance with her boyfriend when he asked and when I went to jokingly thank her for "lending me her man," she said she usually doesn't let anyone else dance with him but for some reason, she trusted me. After knowing me for 1/2 hour, she trusted me. I must give off a vibe or something...

Weird things have been happening lately though. I must be doing something different (though I can't think what it could be) because men are looking at me differently and asking me to slow dance and making an effort to talk to me at clubs and trying to buy me's just bizarre! And I'm saying yes to everything and talking about wanting to go out all the time and flirting right back! Somebody smack me before I starting having fun and get myself in trouble.....

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