Thursday, February 07, 2002

A letter to my sister and other goofy junk

If you don't already think I have a few screws loose, the hoodlyhoo you're about to read should clear that right up. The following is an e-mail I sent to my sister, who has a tendency to fall off the planet for weeks on end, telling her what I really think:

Ok, what tha don't write, you don't call....people are wondering if you're still alive!!! What da dilly yo??? Anyway, your sister misses you or something so you'd better quit being an H to the izz O....and REPRESENT, know what I'm sayin'??!! I know you're out there rollin' with the homies and flashing the bling-bling around the bougie cruise ship, but put down the gin and juice long enough to prove those mad e-mailing skills...word. Peace and booty grease, my sistah...I'm out. MC Tricky T

I swear, I crack myself up. Anyway, it was brought to my attention today that I *am* a rockstar. And since I always say I'm going to go party like a rockstar, it was fitting that I should have a can of the energy drink called Rockstar proudly displayed on my desk for all to see. And what's their tagline? "Party like a rockstar." Nice one. I know they'll be calling me any day now to shoot a commercial and set up the promotional tour.....yeah. Rock on.

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