Monday, February 04, 2002

The sweetest thing

It's amazing what a phone call can do for my self-esteem. My friend from Boston called me the other night and let me vent to him about all the crap I've been dealing with lately. You know you have a good friend when they want to kick the crap out of anyone that hurts you (not that I'd let him) and they know just what to say to make you feel good when so many other things in your life suck ass. As far as being a sensitive male goes, this kid should give lessons. And while I'm sitting there feeling like an idiot and crying about not getting attention from someone else, he's sitting there telling me how great and beautiful I am and how I deserve so much better and being completely attentive. And we've only hung out together once in 3 years. Sheesh. Now, if only he wasn't on the other side of the freakin' planet....

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