Monday, March 04, 2002

Hey, look at me, I'm 28

Well, another birthday has come and gone in a flash. I'm pleased to say that I stayed in bed until 3 in the afternoon and only got up because I had dinner plans at my favorite restaurant with my folks (yellow curry with potatoes, green apples and cucumbers and Mom's cherry crunch for dessert...yum! ). I'm also pleased to say that the little jaunt out of the house for dinner kept me from having to go off on Owen for being a jackass and calling me on my birthday. Coming home to his message was just annoying. I determined that I must be dead and in hell. That's the only logical explaination for why he keeps tormenting me. "Hi, I'm Owen and I'll be the evil minion of satan that gets to make you suffer for all eternity. If there's anything I can do to make your stay here in hell more irritating, you just let me know. Have a crappy day!" That message was the only crimp in an otherwise quiet and relaxing birthday. And if I pretend that message never happened, the whole weekend was great! So, happy birthday to me - 27 was a year of enlightenment, but I think I'll stop getting older now and see how 28 suits me.

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