Friday, March 01, 2002

Here we go....

Yep, it's Friday....and it's time once again for the Friday Five:

1. What's your favorite vacation spot?

I'd have to say either Thailand or London. Depends on what time of year I go and who I'm travelling with...

2. Where do you consider to be the biggest hell-hole on earth?

It's a tie between France (it's full of cheese-eating surrender monkeys who have no concept of personal hygiene) and LA (it's the official crotch of the west coast....they should make a sign that says that for LAX - "Welcome to LA, the official crotch of the West Coast. Enjoy your stay!").

3. What would be your dream vacation?

I'd love to take a trip around the world. The places I'd have to spend extra time would be India, Morocco, Tibet, Ireland, Kenya, Jamaica, Australia and Bali.

4. If you could go on a road-trip with anyone, who would it be and why?

Ooo, that's a tough one. I know I'd have fun driving cross-country with my sister or my friend Jen from Cali. But since I could go with anyone, it would be fun to go with someone I didn't know very well and spend the trip really getting into each other's heads. Not like a random hitchhiker or something, but someone I've hung out with a few times and know I'd get along with but don't know well enough to say how they take their coffee or what their favorite food is.

5. What are your plans for this weekend?

Laundry and dinner at my folks' house tonight. Going shopping and to a surprize birthday party Saturday night. My 28th birthday is Sunday, but I don't really have any plans, so I'll probably try to catch a movie or something and then out to dinner at Ring of Fire (yummy Thai/Pan Asian food).

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