Tuesday, December 30, 2003

I Want To Be A Dream Girl...

I'm finally remembering my dreams again as of three days ago and let me tell you, I dream some weird shit. Weird. I had a dream the other night where I was walking through a campus similar to my old college layout with D and we were on our way to meet some friends of mine for dinner at a street fair/flea market type dealie. There were tents set up with chairs and pillows on mats on the floor and when we walked in, my friend Ho was sitting there talking to a bunch of people who looked vaguely like D -dreads, milk chocolate skin, beautiful- but they all had French Creole accents and seemed kind of stoned. None of this seemed weird at the time. So, we sat down in two of the empty chairs next to each other and leaned over to kiss...something weird happened at this point because the next thing I knew I was waking up from a nap and everyone was making their way to a flight of stairs, at the top of which was the restaurant where we were meeting my friends for food. The entrance reminded me of a place I used to go to for sushi in Eugene called Shiki -bamboo in pots on both sides of the doorway, black curtain with a split in the middle- and just as we were about to go through the curtain, I woke up feeling really disoriented.

I really wonder what triggers this stuff...

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