Monday, December 01, 2003

Fresh New Day

I woke up this morning feeling blah and not at all rested. I'd expected to stay in last night but when Shauna woke up from her nap, she asked if I felt like going to the bar and two hours later we were off. We had the whole bar to ourselves (Shauna, Trip, Jason, D and me) for most of the night and, of course, the goofiness factor was high. By the time I got home and made my bed, it was 2:45am and I fell right to sleep. I didn't even hear the alarm right away this morning so I missed my normal snooze-fest between 6:30 and 7:30 and had to get moving right away. Guh. I know I should stay home tonight....color my hair and finish my laundry or something. The way I feel right now, I don't want to see anyone or go anywhere but to bed. I know that when 9 o'clock rolls around, I'll be getting ready to head out the door to sit in smoky Dante's and watch my friends sing their little hearts out. Also, I'll be 30 three months from Wednesday. *sigh* I don't know what to say anymore...

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