Saturday, December 13, 2003


I admit it. I am actually sick now. So much for the sick karma gods coming through for me. The only person who's called and asked if I need anything yesterday or today is Owen. Ironic? A little. I got up earlier to make myself some tea and toast and to get a glass of orange juice but that's about all I've done outside my room today. I fell asleep right at the end of Edward Scissorhands last night around 9ish and didn't wake up until just before 10 this morning. Watched The Talented Mr. Ripley a bit ago and I'm trying to decide if I should take a nap or watch another movie. To add to the suffering, I caught my thumb nail on a box at work yesterday and it ripped below the pink. It's been throbbing since then. I know I'm being a whiny little biatch, but all I want right now is for someone to rub my back and take care of me.

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