Monday, December 22, 2003

It's Madness Out There

Christmas shopping is my least favorite activity these days. While I'm all about giving, I'm not so much about crowded malls, rude people and being broke. I'm pleased to say I only have a few small things to get and then I'm done but it can't be over soon enough. I also have a ton of laundry that's been piling up and seemingly no time to do it, not to mention the fact that I'm out of detergent and haven't made time to hit the grocery store. Guh.

In the midst of all the rushing around, I've found myself with down time during the transit from one stop to the next on the bus. Having allowed someone else to steer my mood as of late, I've flip-flopped between merely content and severely under appreciated. Somehow, when I'm as alone as anyone can be on a bus surrounded by strangers, the moodiness is magnified to the point of causing a headache. I regularly ask myself what I'm doing and the answer has remained constant: I have no idea.

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