Tuesday, May 28, 2002

Gotta love those long weekends

Sleep is my friend and I got lots of it this past weekend. Now, don't go thinking I wasted the last three days and four nights lolling around in my pjs and eating chili out of the can. Oh no, not me...I did stuff. I went out Friday night and took advantage of quarter drink night at Tsunami with some friends. I did laundry, washed my parents' car, freehand detailed the paint on their bedroom ceiling and picked up dinner for them Saturday. Sunday, being the traditional day of rest, was dedicated to vegging on the couch with a pint of Ben and Jerry's Dave Matthews Band ice cream and watching movies (Ghost World and Original Sin). Yesterday was supposed to be a kids day out at OMSI but ended up being an artistic expression day in instead. Pulled out the box o' beads and made myself a necklace while watching Star Wars Episode 1 and Made. Finished reading House of Leaves yesterday too. Bizarre book. So, yeah....long weekends rock.

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