Tuesday, May 21, 2002


Turns out there's a clinical term for being afraid of just about everything. Who knew there are people out there who have been diagnosed with philophobia (fear of falling in love) or philemaphobia (fear of kissing) or geliophobia (fear of laughter)? I wonder what happens to these people when whatever they're afraid of presents itself? Say for example, someone who's euphobic (fear of hearing good news)....what happens to them when they hear their favorite basketball team won or their kid got into the college they wanted or they get to have corn with dinner? Then there are the folks with dromophobia (fear of crossing streets) or decidophobia (fear of making decisions)....they probably don't get a whole lot done. The ones I really wonder about are the cibophobics (fear of food). What's up with that? Not to say any of these fears aren't valid or real for the people who have them - I just can't imagine being afraid of food. Except maybe liver pate or something you have to eat alive like on Fear Factor. Anyhoo, I scanned the phobia list for fear of moldy cheese and fear of belly button lint, but I didn't find either. Damn. I thought for a long time I was coulrophobic (fear of clowns). Turns out that since I can still function around clowns, it's not really a phobia. I still think they're creepy.

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