Tuesday, November 19, 2002

Damn, that's some funny shit

If you don't already check in periodically, go check out Greg's page and learn the truth about the world.

It's Tuesday and I still don't have a j-o-b. Why, God, why??

Shauna is coming back from Austin tonight, so that's good. My parents won't be back from California until the 30th, so that's bad. When I get home, the dishes in the dishwasher will be clean, so that's just fine.

It's days like today when I secretly wish for someone to check me out in the library.

I should probably go down to Eugene again on Saturday for Nick's going away party because I know Chris is going to bug me about it (read: me: "I can't come down again." chris: "why? why? why? why infinity?" me: ".....*shrug*.....").

The city put up the big Christmas tree in the middle of Pioneer Square yesterday while I was watching the new Harry Potter movie. The official lighting will be on Nov. 29th at 5:30pm and since the guys will still be in town that day, we should go see it.

I'm wearing my "charm school reject" t-shirt and I think that must be why no one is flirting with me in the library today.

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