Tuesday, November 26, 2002

Why me?

Ok, so Sigur Ros was friggin' amazing. It's super emotionally charged music and I sat there in awe the whole time. I'm so glad I got to go. Not so glad he tried to kiss me goodnight though (he got the cheek). I'm still trying to get to know him as a person but I don't see that there's any chemistry between us and we only just met four days ago anyway... can you hear the squealing brakes?

Went to the temp job today only to wait in the lobby for 1/2 an hour, move file folders for ten minutes, file for an hour and 1/2, make copies for almost 6 hours and then get told they weren't expecting me and weren't prepared with stuff for me to do, so they'd call the temp agency and let them know when they wanted me to come back and not to show up tomorrow. Oh. My. Gawd. Not cool. If they call and tell me to come in tomorrow, I'm gonna be pissed. I'll go, but I won't like it. Damn temping...

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