Friday, November 22, 2002

It's story time

Once there was this girl who spent a lot of time going to interviews and applying for jobs. She was unemployed, so it seemed like the right thing to do. As time went on, she got more and more disillusioned with the job market and corporate America. She started plotting to take over a small country and turn it into an artist's colony where no one ever had to look for a job again and she and all of her friends could go there and write and paint and do anything but look for a job. Then, one day when she was reading the "I Saw You" section of the Weekly, she came across an ad that she thought was for her. She'd never answered an ad before and thought it probably wasn't really for her anyway, but what the hell. So she called the number and left a message and waited. The next day, the guy who placed the ad called her and after talking for a few minutes, they established that it wasn't her after all. They ended up talking for over an hour anyway and he asked if she wanted to meet up just because. So she decided to meet him. The end. For now.

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