Sunday, November 03, 2002

I win, I win!

Woo! I got the decision from the unemployment hearing in the mail yesterday and the original decision was upheld. This means I won't have to live in a box down by the river and I'll keep getting unemployment checks until I find a job. It had been eating at me for the last week or so and now it's done. All's well that ends well, eh?

Chris was here this weekend and it was cool to be able to show him some of the things I love about Portland like the MAX ("...and it's free!"), the Saturday Market (might go back for that spoon mask with the antenna) and Todai ("Irashaimasu! Welcome!"). Jen met us to hang out for mojitos at my cousins' restaurant and gave me a lead on a job fair at Powell's Books. However, I'm apparently TOO cool to work there. ;-) They wouldn't even give me an interview since I have no experience as a cashier in the last two years and the line for applicants was already about 70 people long one hour into the four hour job fair. Can you believe it? I'm not even qualified to be a cashier at a frickin' book store! Damn. So much for thinking I'd be a shoe-in with my pierced tongue, black t-shirt and love of books...

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