Wednesday, November 20, 2002

You want to pay me how much?

I got an e-mail from one of the places I interviewed with last week and they wanted to see if I was still interested after letting me know the position started at $9.25/hr. Say whaaa??? I was making over $12 in BFE (that's Bum Fuck Eugene, fyi) and I know damn well my skill set and experience are worth at least that. $9.25??? Guh. I knew I'd probably have to swallow my pride and take an entry level job when I moved up here, in part because I got fired and in part because the job market bites the big one. I've even set $10/hr + benefits as the lowest I'm willing to go. A girl's gotta pay her bills, right? So I let them know I couldn't afford to work for less than $10 and to let me know if they could work that out.

Then this morning, some recruiter from Boston calls and says he saw my resume on Monster and wanted to know if I was interested in working as a clinical researcher for the company's Portland office out at PDX. Well sure I am if you'll give me a car to drive so my commute is only 1/2 hour each way instead of the almost 2 hours it would take me to get out there on the bus/MAX. Damn guy. He didn't even have an accent.

I so don't want to work in the medical field anymore. It's friggin' depressing. And, I admit, I've been soured by the whole firing thing. So, if someone would like to pay me to blog or something, let me know.

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