Thursday, November 07, 2002

Two steps forward, one step back

I don't know how I did it, but I did. I finally took off the rose-tinted glasses and caught a glimpse of the truth. And I'm over him. Thought about it briefly last weekend but it finally hit me last night. I didn't see him or talk to him or anything like that. While I was cruising around someone's web page, it just struck me that I was done and it didn't hurt anymore. And though it came as sort of a relief, there was still that residual empty feeling that inevitably follows the death of an emotional tie. The empty feeling doesn't hurt like the rejection or the betrayal, but it's definitely not a pleasant feeling. The empty feeling eats at you for a little while then waits to be filled by someone else. The empty feeling reminds you that you're alone and that you don't want to be. But, strangely, it doesn't hurt. It's just there. Because the empty feeling reminds you that you survived another blow to the ego and stab to the heart. The empty feeling reminds you that you have more love to give someone else. And the empty feeling reminds you that you're human and are allowed to make mistakes. I'm constanty learning from those mistakes so I can handle the empty feeling for a few days. Anything is better than the hurt...

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