Wednesday, November 06, 2002

Welcome back to reality

It's blank. Totally blank. I thought for a minute there was something really good in there waiting to get out, but whatever it was is gone and now it's blank. My mind, that is. I looked at the clock when I turned the laptop on to write and it was 12:53. Now it's 1:23 and I've been staring at the screen and eating a bowl of Mini Shredded Wheat and waiting for something amazing to come pouring out onto the screen, but I've got nothin'. But then, nothin' is what I've done today (aside from going to interviews this morning, but that's boring) and nothin' is on the agenda for later. OK, I might go see Signs at the Bagdad. But that's it. Well, ok, I might go over to Hawthorne and see if I can find a few books I've been wanting to read at Powell's. But I'm really not doing anything else. Hmmm, since I'm going to be over there already, I should stop in at Freddy's and get some milk... and since there's a ton of salad left over from last night, I should get some chicken and Chinese noodles to throw in for tonight. Oh yeah, my dad's birthday is coming up next week and I need to find a present for him. Ooo, I have e-mail to catch up on too. Gawd! I have a ton of stuff I should be doing! What am I thinking sitting here staring blankly at the screen?? Dang, I've gotta go!

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