Saturday, November 16, 2002

Hello? Anyone?

So, I was invited to come down here to Eugene and hang out with Becca, but I can't get a hold of her. What's up with that? Anyway, it looks like I'm headed over to the Vet's Club for a bit to hang with Chris and the gang and then to Diablo's to meet up with Heath around 10ish. I have a strange feeling it'll turn out to be an early night...

It's weird to be at my folks' house without them here. However, even in their absence, they do have cable, which means 24-7 Game Show Network. Can't get enough of the old episodes of Press Your Luck.... "No whammy.... STOP! Nooooooo!!!" * then the cartoon whammy comes out and takes all of the money in your bank and does a little dance or mows the lawn or flies off in a superman cape* Most likely, though, I won't come down when they aren't here again.

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