Wednesday, October 09, 2002

I Don't Wanna Grow Up

Dammit. I still don't have a job. But I pulled out the sketchbook and went down to Pioneer Square in the middle of the day when a ton of people are milling around during their lunchbreaks to draw and got some decent stuff. There was this little boy, about 4 years old, playing around near the fountains. His mom freaked out (must have thought he was going to fall in or something), grabbed his arm and dragged him off to stay near his dad. The kid pouted and when his dad picked him up, he leaned over dad's shoulder, rested his cheek on his hand and made the saddest little face. So I drew him. About five minutes later, he was laughing and running around his dad's legs like nothing had happened. Kids are cool like that. If they care about you, whether you're a parent or a friend, they forgive without question. That someone can hurt their feelings over and over and they can bounce back a few minutes later and still look at the person with unconditional love is amazing. So, I think I'm done with being a mature adult and I'm going back to being a kid. Things are far less complicated that way...

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