Tuesday, October 01, 2002

Got my mojo back

Do you believe in magic? Or voodoo (thanks for the grisgris bag Mom and Dad!)? Or the power of positive thinking? Well, whatever it was that I did on Sunday, it worked like a charm. The boy came back and we're returning to the previously scheduled program. Yes, I know, I give people a LOT of chances that most of them don't deserve. In this case, he definitely doesn't deserve another chance. But I have to believe that in giving that chance, I've got some good karma coming. I guess it can be looked at as a gift or a curse... Someone once told me that I was the most forgiving person they'd ever known. I don't know if that's good or bad, but the older I get, I'm realizing that relationships are important to me and though my group of true friends is small, since this move the circle is slowly growing. And I'm not willing to shut him out of that circle. As long as we keep talking things out, and being honest with each other and ourselves, there will be infinite chances. I mess with my own head more than anyone else ever does and it's easy to think that people don't care when you doubt yourself. So I'm working on that. So's he. And for now, we're good and I can breathe...

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