Thursday, October 03, 2002

An Ode to Crummy Weather

While today is wet and grey
And most folks whine and say,
"Summer's done!
I miss the sun!"
I laugh at their dismay

I like the cold and rain
That most people disdain
And while I'm soaked
I'm totally stoked
No reasons to complain

It smells like fall in the city
The trees have colored so pretty
The umbrellas come out
Though the carriers pout
Unappreciative ones whom I pity

For chilly and sopped I will be
As I stomp all the puddles I see
And when I get inside
And my clothes have all dried
And I'm warmed by some coffee or tea

I'll be wishing I could have stayed
Outside a bit longer and played
While the rain falls fast
*If only it would last!*
Then my day would be made

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