Tuesday, June 03, 2003

All Work And No Play Makes This A Dull Blog.

Today flew by at work. I mean flew. That's unusual but I think I was having such a good time with John, a leasing agent from a recently sold property who is helping us out today and tomorrow because we're short staffed in the office, that it hardly semed like work. Oh and there was that crying resident I had to calm down and talk through her possible eviction that took up a good chunk of time in the middle of the day. But that bit of drama was overshadowed by two things: 1. the mail...my dad sent me a photo scanner and it is too cool for school.... 2. the flowers I got from a new resident as a thank you for helping him with his move in issues. I can't tell you how many times during my work day I have to deal with ridiculous crap from people and I have to do it with a smile on my face. Stuff like the scanner and the flowers reminds me how lucky I am to even have a job and that someone somewhere cares about me. So today I'm feeling the love even though someone told my boss they thought I was rude to them on the phone on Friday...which I wasn't. So there.

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