Tuesday, June 24, 2003

Mah Sistah

Brandy was on her way home to Eugene from Vancouver, BC today and called first thing in the morning to see if I wanted to have lunch with her. Of course I said yes and she showed up at the office at 1pm. Perfect timing. With only an hour to hang out, we picked up food and sat near the Lovejoy Fountain to eat and chat. I noticed a few things right away:

1. Damn, that girl is tan.
2. She must have gotten highlights recently.
3. Either she's gotten taller or I'm shrinking in my old age.
4. Damn, that girl is tan.

Anyhoo, it was the same ol' same ol'...nothing's changed. Same easy conversation, same comfortable silences, same goofy laugh. She may or may not come back up to stay the night and hang out this weekend. I hope she does, but I'll understand if she decides not to come. She goes back to Florida a week from Thursday so the next time I see her could potentially be Christmas. I'm used to the gaps between visits now, but I still don't like that we can't hang out whenever we want. I miss my shopping and sushi partner...

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