Wednesday, June 18, 2003


I don't want to change anything, but I'd like to jump in a time machine and go back about three weeks and live that week over again. Then I'd like to go back to the end of March and live that week over again. Then I'd go a bit further back than that to a week here and there during last year I'd like to relive. If I had to go back further than that, it'd be a jump back to the first week of summer between my junior and senior year of college. Each of those weeks was filled with the kind of potential that feels like walking in clouds and while I remember what that feels like, memories are tainted and dampered by time. I want to feel that way today, right this minute.

I wrote this once upon a time and it reminded me why I always end up feeling like I have the last few days. It's because I'm a good girl and everyone's frickin' friend. Damn I'm tired of being that girl.

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